Four Generations of the Nelson Boys...I love Tre's face, it's priceless: This is what Tre does when you ask him to give you a "squeeze": The curls are gone (for now): Sugar Overload: THE PARTY... Ten of my Moms many great-grandchildren (40 something? I am losing track): Second Cousins Brody & Ivy:
Surprise...I am sure you didn't know some of these pictures were going to be used for blackmail someday...gotcha! Hee Hee Hee! You always know how to have a great time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Rachel, TJ, Mary, Jacob, Joey & Raegan:
Joey & Raegan:
Jacob, Joey, & TJ:
Andrew & Alexis:
Joey, Carly, & Brody:
Bryan wanting to be Jacob's first patient....some day in the future:
Drum Rolls Please...Introducing Our New Pool: