Monday, November 24, 2008

THIS WEEKEND WITH MY VERY ACTIVE GRANDKIDS (could it be "Nana's Nummies" or Genetics? I think both!) ...OH THEY ARE SO MUCH FUN!!

Nana letting Carly eat all the "Nana's Nummies" she wants! Have to love that gooey face and hands.
Carly being told by mean old mommy..."no more candy"!
Brody loves to pull himself up on all the furniture...I just love it when he crinkles his nose!
Brody found & loved both sets of stairs...we continue to use a lot of baby gates around here!
Tre taking over the computer, the phones, the channel changer, and any other buttons, doors, & drawers he can find. You can tell by the bumps & scrapes on his head. I just love that mischevious look he always, what can I do next?!
Tre loves "Nana's Nummies"'s hard to believe she works for a dentist!