Saturday, November 17, 2012


Jim & I have had several weeks of fun! I have been working on twelve blog posts for the last month & a half! I love blogging, it works as my journal & photo albums for my "after work" activities & occassionaly work activities as well. As a young girl, I loved taking pictures of everything. I would take my allowance & babysitting money to buy film & develop pictures. I rode my bike a few miles to take my film to Revco to have developed. It would take about a week, I could hardly wait. Thank goodness for the modern technology we have today! My photography skills are not great but I love taking pictures to capture the moment, that someday might be forgotten. I guess I could have a worse ocd habit?! Life has gone by so quickly that I have to continually remind myself to "enjoy the journey"!! I love this quote from President Gordon B. Hinckley "In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured". Here's to Good Times!!