Wednesday, August 10, 2016

24th of July...Pioneer Days in St. Johns!

Friday's Rodeo
El Camino...the service was so horrible it was comical
Yep, it got stuck
Parade (we LOVED having David & Deniece & their family there)
Park Time
My Grandpa (Stan) & Grandma (Agnes) Hamblin's House
"The Creek" (behind my old parents house)...such great memories!
All they needed were Great-Grandpa Hamblins' nets & boots. The kids always left them down there & they got washed away (Dad would get very upset about it)
Boy did the grandkids get in trouble when they turned the water on (or off)
We went to Mom & Dad's old house & saw the left side of the house, including the basement...the same carpet & it still looked brand new.